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Oyster supper 2023
? October 14, 2023
🕔 17h00
📍 Salle des Chevaliers de Colomb de Buckingham
Don’t miss our oyster evening on October 14 at the Salle des Chevaliers de Colomb de Buckingham!
Au menu : Dégustation d’huîtres fraîches, un buffet savoureux et une ambiance amicale pour seulement 75$ par personne. C’est l’occasion parfaite de savourer de bonnes huîtres en bonne compagnie, le tout en encourageant une belle cause! Profitez d’un nombre illimité d’huîtres Malpêque et d’huîtres bleus.
Tables of 8 to 10 people: Reservations are open until October 1st.
Less than 8 people: Reservations will begin on October 1st.
To make your request, send an email to A committee member will contact you shortly to confirm your reservation.
Annual draw
During the evening, we'll hold our annual draw. The draw for tickets previously sold at $100 will reveal the names of the winners of the various prizes. A total of $17,000 in prizes is up for grabs, including a GRAND PRIZE OF $10,000!